Friday, August 27, 2010

Building Your MLM Part Time, How to Generate Massive Results Fast

Building Your MLM Part Time, How to Generate Massive Results Fast

Building your MLM part time fast can be achieved if you have the right knowledge and mentor guiding you. So it's my goal in this article to enlighten you on the changes in the industry and how you can increase your results faster than most veteran marketers would think is actually possible.

But first, in order to show you how to build your MLM part time really fast, I need to illustrate why you can do this now when it was difficult in the past.

Back in the late 80s, 90s and early 2000, MLM empires were built within the process of calling everyone you know, telling a little about your opportunity, mailing a CD or meeting face to face, giving more information after the face to face meeting, doing 3-way calls, inviting them to a meeting and hopefully they join your business. Then if they don't join and you think they're worth it, you drip on them for weeks and sometimes months with phone calls and mailing more information telling them about the latest updates.

This strategy worked really well back then which is why so many veteran marketers use those same principles today. Unfortunately those strategies are dying fast. Back then, there wasn't caller id, email or really even the internet. So you could count on getting a hold of a someone if you wanted to. Now there is an "electronic barbwire fence" to quote my friend MJ Durkin, that makes it virtually impossible to get a hold of someone unless they really want to talk to you.

With that being said the traditional methods still do work... just not for everyone. In fact I will still encourage every single person to start an opportunity that way because it does still work and you get some great experience. However you also need to blend it with the internet so you can leverage your time. You can send prospects to presentations and follow up with auto responders and occasional phone calls with highly interested people. All of this operates on complete auto-pilot and allows you to focus on other activities. You also need to implement internet marketing strategies that generate a steady stream of leads coming your way 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks per year on complete auto-pilot.

Now to do this you need a marketing system that handles all of the internet marketing components for your long term lead generation strategy as well as your presentations. A well-designed system will streamline you marketing efforts and keep track of all your leads.

You also want to be with the right team of people who are not moving at a snails pace using techniques that are out dated. What happens if you use the old strategies is the people you talk to will end up doing searches on the internet. They'll find somebody who says "I can show you how to build this faster by leveraging the internet." Guess who they are going to join?

The only people the old-school method typically works for these days are the 5% of the population with a massive sphere of influence. If you are part of the 95% of the population who doesn't have a large sphere of influence, you're faced with building a business the long, hard grueling way that can usually last up to 5 or 7 years. It can take that long to build a strong following with the "old school" methods.

Now, along with the traditional methods of calling people you can leverage technology which speeds up the process and is 10 times more efficient. In the amount of time a person could talk to a few people personally, you can have hundreds looking at the same presentation you have streamed on the internet. Then instead of dripping on people with cds, dvds and information, you can use an auto responder to keep in contact with your list of prospects. You can send them to another pre-recorded presentation YOU did or send them to your blog with content you posted.

So here's what you need to do to build your MLM part time... fast.

First, set up you own blog so you can post valuable content to send people to.

Second, set up a marketing system. I use one and everyone who is a top income earner utilizing the internet uses one. Learn how to leverage the internet and your upline. If you don't have an upline that is utilizing the internet, find one in your company that does... or find a different company.

Now that you have all those in place it's time to FOCUS. Look at your schedule and find areas to fit your business in. Start by talking to your warm market... after all they, should know what you are about to accomplish with or without them. You can make 2-3 minute calls through out the day. These calls are not to chit chat. They are for a specific purpose, which is to find out who's open. Something as simple as "Hey John it's Scott, I found a way to make money online, are you at all open to checking it out?" Then you can send them an email with a link to a presentation.

Call people during typical hours anytime between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Outside of those hours or - WHENEVER YOU CAN - work on your online campaigns and strategies. You might have to burn the midnight oil several nights, get up a few extra hours earlier or bring a laptop to work on your lunch break but it's worth it. Besides that if you are really passionate about what you're doing, it shouldn't be that difficult to find the time. I'll just say that.

By the time you are through your warm market you should have some leads automatically being generate through your marketing system. Then you can start helping them along with the team you've built in the process. Plan on doing this for several months. It could be faster or slower depending on our ability to learn, the person you are learning from and the compensation plan of your company.

Building your MLM part time fast is absolutely possible, and the most desirable way to create a serious income stream. However it takes focused effort and the right mentor to lead you to prosperity as quickly as possible. To learn how you can build your MLM fast, generating more leads than you can handle, sponsor 20-50 people per month part time, put in your name, email and phone number in the opt-in box below and click the "Teach Me Secrets" button now.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How to Achieve Results in Online MLM With Jonathan Budd | Secret MLM Profit Formula

Thousands of marketers – tired of the old-school methods of marketing their MLM, come online searching for a way to leverage the internet to catapult their business to unimaginable levels. They search on Google for MLM, Home Based Business, or Network Marketing and they will most definitely find Jonathan Budd. His face is plastered all over the internet on CPV banner ads proclaiming to help you achieve unprecedented levels of achievement from marketing your mlm online using his magical formula.

Now before you get click happy, jump on board and get started with his program, I want to shed some light on what it really takes to make money using Jonathan Budd’s strategies.

But first off, who is this internet phenomenon? Jonathan Budd is nothing short of a modern day hero of cyberspace today. He exploded onto the scene in 2007 as a 22 year-old kid living in the basement of his parents house with just a computer, no real skills and in a few months was all over the internet. He now has a following of thousands of people learning his techniques so they can hope to achieve the same results. Unfortunately, only about 1% of the people who enroll in the courses he offers ever achieve what they are striving so hard to accomplish.

Jonathan Budd is a fierce marketer who has brought the principles of Web 2.0, social networking, and direct response marketing to the network marketing arena. In essence, completely replacing the traditional network marketing concepts of pitching friends, family and associates. Instead, streamlining the process with websites, auto responders, online branding and affiliate programs.

Jonathan Budd has a system that a network marketer can plug into and generate leads for their business through different campaigns such as Pay Per Click, with the hopes of making the initial cost back from different affiliate program commissions. These affiliate programs teach network marketers how to promote their businesses online. So it works out to be a win-win situation since marketing online is a skill-set that must be learned.

However the sad truth that most people don’t understand, is what it really takes to be successful. I remember a very brilliant business mentor of mine said “success is sacrifice”. It takes work, effort, energy, discipline and focus to be successful online. You must brand yourself as a leader and be attractive to everyone who wants to learn the essential skills required.

For starters you must have VISION. You have probably heard this before but it’s true. A vision that is bigger than yourself will help you through the tough riggers of operating any business, let alone network marketing. You must have a vision that is felt through every fiber of your being and spews out your pores stating “This is where I’m going and I’m going to get there no matter what.” This vision must be strong enough that you can’t wait to jump out of bed every morning and start.

You have to be able to generate your own leads and become a MASTER at it. If you don’t have anyone on your list, you won’t have anyone that will follow you. Leads are the driving force of this industry, and if you can’t generate your own leads through online campaigns and personal branding, you will flat out not succeed online. If you look at any business, either traditional or in network marketing, lead generation is the number one skill required to succeed. By using the internet it allows you to speed up the amount of lead flow that runs into your business on a daily basis.

You must have a marketing system that brands YOU as a leader and will help you promote your company. I’m not talking about your company replicated site that every network marketing company has.  If you direct your prospects to that you might as well kiss them goodbye, because people join YOU not your company. The fact that your company has a killer comp plan and unique products is the cherry on top.

You need to be able to do a basic presentation. It doesn’t have to be fancy and it doesn’t have to be perfect but at least you are presenting the material. A basic presentation in either video or audio with your face and your voice put YOU in front of them. I remember when I first got started in the industry and was hesitating on doing presentations. A leader asked me “Who do you think makes more money, the person at the front of the room or the back?”

Finally you need to TAKE ACTION! You can be a complete guru of the internet and know how to do PPC, CPV ads and know how to create a your own blog. But if you don’t take action you wont create results or make any money, which is why you got involved in the first place. Learn and then do, learn and then do, should be your motto for marketing online. There are so many ways to generate leads, bring them into a system that educates them for you on auto-pilot, and close them into your business.

You have to look at your online marketing strategies as a long term solution. Yes you can create massive results in a short period of time if you are completely focussed. You can learn the strategies that work for YOU and be able to generate hundreds of leads every day, which on average can lead to sponsoring 2 to 5 people per day. What would your business look like if you were able to do that?

Jonathan Budd is a tremendous marketer with great skills, if you want to MASTER the same skills that have allowed him to explode any mlm online visit Scott Zlateff's MLM Success Secrets