Free Network Marketing Leads With Content
To get free network marketing leads on autopilot, I highly recommend using a strategy called content marketing. This strategy, in my opinion is by far the most powerful method of lead generation around. In the process of generating leads you are also building a major asset. Every piece of content that you create and upload to the internet becomes a source of valuable information for people who are looking for it to review. If that person wants to know more, they can click on the link you provide, which you can point back to your website or a capture page.Free Network Marketing Leads Using Attraction Marketing
To accomplish this, you can use an attraction marketing system that provides a sales funnel for your leads to be captured and put in your list. This system includes all the necessary components to effectively market online including the essential capture page to capture your free network marketing leads.With this strategy you can generate endless free network marketing leads through a simple, step-by-step, power formula, that was developed by some of the top master marketers I know. This process will essentially put your content all over the internet on article, blog, video, and social media sites.
Free Network Marketing Leads: The Formula
This process starts with the creation of content such as an article. You can post this article to your blog and use a free service called OnlyWire that will submit that content to 37 different social bookmarking sites as well as notifying all of your Twitter followers and Facebook friends that you just posted an article. This all happens with one push of a button.We then take that same content and place it as an article in your attraction marketing system for further exposure. Next, use an article submission software that takes that article and allows you to spin it into multiple articles through the programming in the software. Don't worry this is not difficult, it's basically clicking with your mouse and typing alternative words that the software uses. Once your article is spun, at the push of a button it will be submitted to more than 100 different article directories. Within each one of these articles are two links that you include, one that goes back to the original article on your blog and the other to a capture page within your attraction marketing system.
Finally we can further promote that content through video sites like YouTube. You can use an automatic video submission website to submit your video to more than 50 different video sites with the push of a button.
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